On location Headshots at Ratio.City

The fine folks at RATIO.CITY; A tech startup that developed a digital platform for urban planning and zoning. Was in need of headshots for there staff on-location at there offices in the heart of Toronto. I was able to set up, shoot 9 headshots and tare down in a little less than 2 hours.

A portrait of Audrey Yates - Digital marketer

Audrey Yates, a Digital marketer, strategist and digital practitioner at Facetime presentations Needed a #portrait for her new website. she wanted bright and friendly.

Audrey has masterminded over 100 targeted campaigns, both traditional and digital. She has worked with businesses of every size and from every sector. Her digital know-how is built on a solid foundation of traditional media analysis, targeting, purchasing and data science to analyze results.
— https://www.facetimepresentations.com/

Portrait of Jordy Fujiwara - Marketer, Writer, Dungeon Master

Jordy Fujiwara - Marketer, Writer, Dungeon master and killer of all my current D&D characters. I know, I know! I should blame the dice…. I met Jordy at my local gaming shop (westend comics) down in #Parkdale and have become quick friends. He works with a slew of small local businesses including The Tempered Room as a marketer and has published 4 novels!

You can find him at https://jordyfujiwara.com/

I believe that our species’ advanced ability to communicate is the most important and distinguishing factor in our short history on this planet. It’s what breeds technology and culture. Yet we’re still grounded in our basic biology. I studied social psychology in my undergrad, then went on to do an MBA in marketing not necessarily because I wanted to be really great at selling widgets, but because the world of commercial communication is utterly fascinating. It sits right at the forefront of the intersection of technology, culture, and biology.

Developing an expertise in this ecosystem will lead to much better marketing strategies, and allow the savvy strategist to anticipate what approaches will work well in the very near future.
— https://jordyfujiwara.com/