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I may get to survive a zombie outbreak .... "may" ....

And here I am, thinking if a zombie outbreak ever happens id be a dead man …. undead man in but a few days. as this thought bounces about my head, my friend Eric comes a calling and invites me to shoot the Zombie Survival Camp outside of Orillia Ontario!

Operating in Southern Ontario since 2013, Zombie Survival camp and our team of instructors have been touring the country, setting up shop and training people in wilderness survival, self-defence and self-reliance.

We teach real skills and teamwork principles that can save your life in any situation. And our signature zombie outbreak simulation will turn any group of people into a tight-knit survival squad. Whether it be a birthday or bachelor party, corporate team-building event, or one of our trademark zombie survival weekends, Zombie Survival Camp is here to empower you with real life-saving skills and turn you into zompocalyptic badasses.